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Recent eye food. A diary.

3rd October 2024

Night-time rendering.

Did you know you could ask your library to order a book? I didn't. And then I did. This week I have Projective Geometric Algebra: Illuminated on my desk. The notion I'm pursuing is to have fun in the evenings translating the math into a Rust project. In other news, I have met a language exchange partner for Chinese. He's PhD candidate in education technology from Guangdong.

11th September 2024

Resting anxiety.

No link this time, but a small anecdote about a conversation I had in Fribourg's beautiful riverside old town with a treasured friend. In her recent visit to Japan, she had mentioned to her host that she intended to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom. The very next day, her host insisted on driving them an hour south for a particular view which was particularly spectacular. She explained then what she did not understand at the time: To appreciate the beauty of the flowing sakura and to understand that it must end is the way to joy, life, and light. To this perspective on things I believe I must hasten myself.

30th August 2024

Background reading.

I have come across a paper from Manos Kamarianakis and George Papagiannakis that leverages Conformal Geometric Algebra for skeletal animation. I believe it is the only one of its kind.

28th August 2024

A language for animation.

Since my last post I have been resting in Greece, pressing grapes and eating feta cheese. In the meantime I came across a fascinating theory of geometric algebra for conformal motions, and a book on the topic by Eric Lengyel. I believe that one could potentially write a highly simplified skeletal animation system in this new language, and it should be the first step on my research track in character animation. Exciting!

15th August 2024

Becoming five-head.

I have struggled with sleep and have had an internet addiction for most of my life. In my search for tools to surmount my obstacles, I found Dr. Alok Kanojia, who has the gift of explaining ideas from psychotherapy to the layman. In his latest video he goes over three concepts from psychotherapy. Acceptance, diffusion, and self as context. This set of ideas is very compelling to me, and I learned that it is primarily through meditation that these tools can appear in your life. In the past however, closing myself in with my thoughts tended to make them unbearably loud. But hey, that's okay. I'll just try again.

14th August 2024

A few goodbyes.

I have finished reading Babel. The drama is excellent and the narrative came together really well in the end. Sadly, in my view it is weakened by an annoying habit of the author of taking all of the speculation out of speculative fiction, leaving the characters completely one-dimensional. I wish I could laugh along Robin, instead of being told plainly that he found a joke funny, it would have served the story better. That's okay, however, because the mystery and world-building are really compelling to me. Still, it's not a must-read.

12th August 2024

Speculative fiction.

This weekend I finished reading the second book in the Otori trilogy and have begun reading the young adult speculative fiction book Babel. Although the writing is much more creative in the former, the themes of the latter feel much more important to me now, carried by the genius premise of sorcery through what is lost in translation. I felt gratified I could understand some of the Chinese, and I was happy to learn some colonial history. I realised I had very little awareness for how the era of European coloniasm affects the sentiment of people from different nations today. I also realise today that my own Ionian island of Kefalonia had once been an "amicable protectorate" of the British Empire, though I have no conception yet for what that actually meant for my ancestors.

9th August 2024

My origins. Gardening.

I have my first research question. Could it be possible to leverage a learned motion manifold to perform tangent-curve optimisation in such a way that it encourages realistic motions? I must plan, I must pursue. Tonight I glanced at the wikipedia pages for the Ionian Islands. Is it my duty to understand where I'm from? Maybe someone knows. Anyway, this summer I want to create a video game with my twin brother.

8th August 2024

Quaternion averaging. Dual quaternions.

I've been planting my seeds. I am going to try to return to Ubisoft La Forge with an idea for a master's project. So I am going to study the landscape of 3D animation and see what's missing. My initial idea was about general linkages, but I feel that there is much to do on the skeletal transfer side.

3rd August 2024

Student protests. Maximum likelihood estimates. Water bellows.

I have been reading a bit of Feynman every day. His clear explanations are making up for my poor chemistry education. I have also been playing EarthBound for the first time, it's astounding how much Undertale is cut from the same stone.

1st August 2024

Smile :D

I have been putting a lot of work into my dreams and hobbies. It's quite hard to keep it all going strong but I believe it's fundamental to how I want to live my life.

30th July 2024

Linkages. Grass. Earthbound.

Yesterday's plan was immediately curtailed, because I think advanced linkage systems are potentially underrated for video games.

29th July 2024

Girls are wizards. Feynman lectures.

So I've had the seed of an idea to start doing some physics. My thought is to see if the habit sticks. What is an atom?

28th July 2024

Peter Thiel.

I tried meditating on the feeling of nothing this morning. It's going to need some more time I think. I also beat a level in Baba Is You that I've been attempting on-and-off for years. Pretty proud of that one.

27th July 2024

Geometric Langlands program.

One of my dreams is to understand some of the biggest ideas in physics and mathematics. Maybe I should spend some time setting a goal for myself, and then just enjoy the ride.

26th July 2024

AI silver IMO medal. Soft vector quantization.

I have been interested in data compression recently, and have been wondering what the best way to compress a polyline in three dimensions might be.

25th July 2024

The Nanking massacre, evolving together, and an amazing achievement.

One year ago, my friend from told me that she could not forgive the Japanese for the Sino-Japanese wars. Today I read Iris Chang's book on the Nanking. How terrible.

23rd July 2024

East German intelligence service, a children's cartoon, and measure theory things.

I'm preparing for a class on Measure Theory in September. Somehow my classmates always seem to find these things easier than me.

Orfeas Liossatos