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The Cartan-Dieudonné Theorem


Reproducing and commenting a proof by Marc van Leeuwen on the Mathematics Stack Exchange.


The Cartan-Dieudonné Theorem says that rotations in Euclidean space can be generated by reflections across hyperplanes.

Below is a mathematical formulation and proof by induction of this fact. It uses the language of modern algebra to describe the geometric scenario. My intention is to comment in what each step of the proof intends to show, while filling in details.

The advantage of this rather abstract, non-constructive proof is that it is very succint. The details are left to the reader (you and me) to figure out. My comments use the language of three-dimensional geometry for clarity, and are wrapped up in blue clickable elements.


Let \(\phi\) be an orthogonal endomorphism on an \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean vector space \(E\). Let \(d=\dim \ker (\phi - id_E)\). Then \(\phi\) can be written as a product of \(n-d\) orthogonal reflections across hyperplanes.

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We describe a proof by induction. For the base case, let \(n-d=0\). This is only possible if \(\phi=id_E\). Then \(\phi\) is a product of no rotations at all, so the base case is true.

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Now assume that \(n-d>0\), and that we have proved the statement for all values less than \(n-d\). Since \(d < n\), there exists a vector \(v\notin \ker(\phi - id_E)\). Consider the hyperplane \(H=(\phi(v)-v)^\perp\), the orthogonal reflection \(\sigma_H\) across \(H\), and the transformation \(\phi'=\sigma_H\circ \phi\). Note that we have \(\phi'(v)=v\), or \(v \in \ker(\phi'-id_E)\).

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Furthermore, \(\ker(\phi - id_E)\subseteq H\), since for any vector \(w\) such that \(\phi(w)=w\), we have \(w \cdot (\phi(v) - v) = 0\).

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Therefore on one hand we have $$\ker(\phi - id_E) \subset \ker(\phi + id_E) + \text{span}\{v\} \subseteq \ker(\phi' - id_E).$$ And on the other hand we have $$\ker(\phi' - id_E) \cap H \subseteq \ker(\phi - id_E).$$ So \(\dim \ker (\phi' - id_E) = \dim \ker (\phi - id_E) + 1 = d+1\).

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Then the induction hypothesis applies to \(\phi'\), and we may express it as a product of \(n-d-1\) reflections. Then \(\phi=\sigma_H\circ \phi'\) can be written as a product of \(n-d\) reflections. This concludes the proof.

Image by Toobaz

Last edited 25/11/2024