\(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\,max}\) \(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min}\) Orfeas | Game ideas

Game Ideas


A list of ideas for games that I'd love to see brought to reality.

The list

  • Shan 山 | Massively Collaborative Sculpting
  • It is growing. The collective efforts of thousands of strangers painstakingly sculpting a massive block of digital clay. After twenty-four hours, the sculpture is baked, and recorded forever. The next day, another block of clay appears, and the process starts anew. Seven clay blocks will appear, and then none more. Six editing tools are available, and each day removes a tool. On the final day, the block cannot be touched.

  • Hunt | Geometric Horror
  • In the corner of your vision you definitely saw something crawling. In this single-player VR horror game, your imagination fuels your nightmares, as the world geometry warps around you. You live in a Swiss village hidden away in the mountains, where missing children, dead livestock, and rumors of a pact with the devil run wild. Your divine mission is to find the source of evil, and bring about its unholy end.

  • Yap | Wolf Conlang Simulator
  • What would a wolf language sound like? Players explore a beautiful open world and communicate through a unique lupine voice system. Social activities include hunting, hiking, and simple games such as hide-and-seek. As the game develops, complex activities would require the players to invent richer grammars and vocabulary.

Last edited 14/08/2024