\(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\,max}\) \(\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min}\) Orfeas | Research Questions

Research Questions


A list of research questions that I have.

In the following I aim to loosely track my progress on big questions. These probably have known answers that I am simply unaware of, and that's okay as well.


These are my research interests at this moment.

  • Geometric skinning
  • Animation compression


This list will grow or shrink as time goes on.

1. What is a Lie algebra?

2. When does Dual Quaternion skinning fail?

3. What is an appropriate Fourer basis for the quaternions?

4. How do spherical harmonics relate to the 3D rotation group?

5. How do we do calculus with Geometric Algebra?

Last edited 05/11/2024